Merry Christmas

These recordings were made in an abandoned house on Christmas night 2023 on a rural property located in Monarch, Saskatchewan, Canada. The property owner gave myself, my husband, Chris, and my sister-in-law, Tanya, permission to enter the home for the purpose of paranormal investigating. The video footage isn’t my best as it was dark, the property was filthy, there were nails sticking out of boards, and we were fully expecting to encounter a wild animal or two.

Three brothers resided in the home - Tommy, Ted, and Ray Cox. The Cox Brothers were second cousins to my father-in-law, Allan. They were second cousins once removed for Chris and Tanya. Many of the Cox Brothers belongings can still be found inside of the home - including Teds wallet, a jar of pickles in the fridge, a cabinet television, clothing, and mattresses.

Tommy - the last surviving Cox Brother - vacated the property in the late 1990’s when health issues arose. The home has sat vacant since. I was fortunate enough to have met Tommy before he passed away in 2001. It was many years later when I learned that he was a relative.

As you will see in the video, there were many spirits who were willing to communicate with us in the home - both male and female. We asked several times who from the spirit realm was with us…but didn’t get specific answers/names. I love their awareness of time and holidays like Christmas. I did ask them if they knew what year it was and a male voice said, “twenty-three”…which was correct (2023). Their responses were fascinating to us overall and help us to understand them better.

May they all rest in peace.

Do you think that the spirits who chose to communicate with us were connected to the house, the land or the people (us)? Do you think they were random? Do you believe that spirit were genuine/honest with their responses - keeping in mind that spirit are just like any living person you might encounter? Feel free to leave a comment below.


The Monarch Cemetery


The Bessborough Hotel