

Curse Removal


Weight Loss



Love • Prosperity • Curse Removal • Luck • Weight Loss • Money • Justice •

Spell Casting

Please read this entire section before filling out the form 

Spell work is $119.99 plus provincial GST/HST

Pre-booking consultations are mandatory and must be approved before any spell work can be arranged. Consultations are an additional $15 over the cost of a spell plus provincial GST/HST and are non-refundable.

Every Made By A Real Witch distance spell casting rite includes a thoughtfully constructed, high magick spell – uniquely written and executed by myself on behalf of the client. Each spell is a labour of love – tailored to your specific needs. I take my work very seriously, utilizing only the highest levels of honour and integrity to aid in manifesting the best possible outcome and experience for you. Please read through the testimonials to see what other clients have had to say – many of whom are repeat customers. Investment includes a uniquely written white magick spell (averaging 10 pages in length), all of my supplies (consisting of handcrafted pure beeswax ritual candles, incense made from scratch, offerings, and more), the execution of your rite by me, communication by email and 3-4 general photos of your ceremony being shared with you following my work.

No video conferences or in-person spell casting sessions are offered. All of my work is carried out in solitude from the privacy of my home. Spells take approximately 1-hour to complete at the time of implementation – although your ritual candle will burn much longer.

Spells must be of positive intent – no revenge work, no luring innocent parties into bed, no giving you access to the bank vault, etc. I am a White Witch and I adhere to strict moral and ethical practices.

Spells must be reasonable/obtainable. Magick has limitations. Don’t request a spell to bring a deceased loved one back to life, to travel back in time, or have a unicorn appear in your driveway. You will be disappointed. I can’t force impossible things to happen. If winning the lottery is not a part of your destiny/fate/life path (it very rarely is), I can’t do anything about that. Instead, I could cast a spell for money to come your way – keeping in mind that different people tend to receive different amounts and that the money may come to you from an unexpected source (not the lottery).

Only one type of spell will be cast. If you have multiple goals (ie/ money and romance), please prioritize which is most important on your list and/or fill out a form for each. If you are not sure where to start, simply tell me the type of goals you are interested in on your application and I will do divination to see which spell will serve you best at this time.

Spells must be for and about you – not other ‘specifically named’ people…even if your intentions are good. This is a hard concept for some people to grasp. Any person named in one of my spells must be aware of my work, open-minded (not a skeptic) and truly want the desired outcome of the spell in order for my work to benefit them. No harm will come if they don’t, but no results will be achieved either – so save yourself the time and money.

Here are some examples of spells that I will cast:

  • Love/Romance – to help you find a suitable romantic partner without targeting anyone specific.

  • Money/Prosperity/Success in Business – no specific dollar amounts will be mentioned.

  • Weight Loss – to help you make the changes that you need to make in order to reach your goal.

  • Curse/Hex/Evil Eye Removal – entire families and pets can be named.

  • Justice – to have justice be served if you have been victimized. Or, to have a judge go lenient on you if you have committed an offence, are sincerely sorry, and are looking to make amends.

  • Sell house/car – to stir up interest and draw qualified buyers towards you. No specific dates or dollar amounts will be mentioned.

These are just a few examples. Other spells of positive intent will also be considered so long as they are reasonable/obtainable and are for and about you.

Here are some examples of spells that I won’t cast:

  • Don’t request a find employment spell for your adult son who lives in your basement and seems unmotivated to find work. It doesn’t matter what you want for him. He needs to want it for himself.

  • Don’t request a love/romance spell for a specific person you are attracted to or to draw your ex-lover back to you. My spells are designed to protect innocent parties who have not requested to be involved. Instead, I could cast a spell for you to cross paths with a suitable romantic partner – whoever that person may be.

  • Don’t request a spell for your daughter/daughter-in-law to have children.

  • Don’t request a spell for an adult family member to quit doing drugs. While your intentions might be good, these people would need to want these things for themselves.

Bottom line, spells need to be for and

about you.

Also note that spell work is not recommended for medical situations of any kind. If your request is health related, please consider a distance energy healing treatment with me instead.

Once your application is received, I will send you an invoice for your consultation. Once paid, I will do divination to see if my work might benefit you. If I get a yes, we proceed. If I get a no, your application will be denied. You can expect to be notified by email either way at this time. In some instances, if your application is denied – an alternate/similar spell of positive intent will be offered in place of the spell you requested with no additional consultation fees being charged. I try to work with potential clients as best I can. That said, if an agreement can’t be reached we will go our separate ways at that time.

Once your form has been approved via consultation and your full payment for the spell has been received, your rite will be scheduled – taking planetary alignments, moon phases, and a series of other intricate details into account. These details combined will add to the complexity of my work, but can also cause your ceremony to be carried out at odd hours of the day or night. Expect to receive some basic information from me on how you can participate on your end during the time of my work if you are available. These instructions will be simple and you are encouraged to participate if you can.

Please note that I cannot guarantee results and refunds will not be offered. There are too many factors beyond my control once a spell has been cast that could potentially intervene. Right now, I’m averaging a 90+% success rate and my customers are very happy overall. I wouldn’t be offering spells to the public if my clients weren’t happy. Many spells that I cast have goals that need to be chased once my work is complete – like weight loss, finding a suitable romantic partner, finding employment, etc. I cannot conjure romantic partners out of thin air. I wish that I could. If I cast for you to cross paths with a suitable romantic partner and then you choose to hide in your bedroom, are too shy to speak to people, or you turn your nose up at potential suitors – that is not my fault…nor is it an issue with the spell that was cast. If you hire me to help you find employment, you will need to actively search and apply for suitable jobs that you are qualified for following my work. If you hire me to spell cast for you to lose weight and then you sit on the sofa eating potato chips, that is not my fault…nor is it an issue with the spell that was cast. A weight loss spell is meant to be used as a tool in conjunction with your diet and fitness regime. It is important that clients understand what to reasonably expect and that (in many instances) they will have work to do once my ceremony for them is complete. Their goals should come much easier to them now, but they will still need to chase after them.

It is also best to not mention me/my work to other people until after your results have been achieved. There is less chance of energetic interference this way. Once your goal has been achieved you can tell whomever you like.

Fire Scrying Reading

Add a Fire Scrying Reading to any spell casting ceremony


Pre-booking consultations are mandatory and must be approved before any spell work, 3 question tarot card readings, or hand-fasting commitment ceremonies can be arranged. Consultations are $15 plus provincial GST/HST and are non-refundable.

If a consultation fee applies to the type of service you want, submit your completed form, and you will be sent a $15 invoice by email. Once paid, your form will be reviewed in the order of payments received. You can expect to hear back from me via email within 2-3 weeks - but hopefully sooner. If your request needs to be changed/adjusted, we will discuss it via email. Once your form is approved, you will be sent a second invoice to pay for your service in full at that time. If your request is declined, I will try to offer you a substitution. If no agreement can be made, we will go our separate ways at that time.

Spell work is $119.99 plus provincial GST/HST

A Fire Scrying Reading can be added to any spell casting ceremony for an additional $90 plus provincial GST/HST.

*Please read the Spell Casting information in its entirety before filling out this form. Incorrectly submitted forms will result in delays.*

Please allow 1 - 3 weeks to have your form read and responded to.


“I just wanted to update you following my prosperity rite. We found out this week that our union negotiated a deal with our employer which will result in each employee receiving a 3K bonus plus a large increase in wages. Our union has been negotiating for 3 years with no movement at all until last week. I’m looking forward to more positivity.”

Laura – Money/Prosperity

“Ashley, I have such amazing news!!! The current home that my sister & I bought together was just appraised & we have gained 100K in equity in this home!!! Totally unexpected which means that since I am moving, they are buying me out! So, I made roughly 50K today that I wasn’t expecting! How absolutely amazing is that?? Thank you for all your work & support!”

Caileigh – Money/Prosperity

“Hi Ashley. My Mom has been talking non-stop about you & she looks fricking amazing! The weight she’s lost since you started helping her just blows my mind. I was wondering if you could do a spell casting or healing treatments for me?”

Tamara – Weight Loss

“Good morning Ashley, just touching base with you. Man, I feel great, can’t explain it. My performance at work is out of this world. I actually have time to talk to customers – which I enjoy…but the best part is my tips! They have doubled & I mean literally doubled. I have done some amazing numbers over the past couple of days which I haven’t done in the past couple of years & I’ve done it twice back-to-back. So, thank you, Ashley. I’ve also applied for other jobs & had two interviews yesterday. I’ve been looking for better employment since COVID started & nothing was happening until now. I feel like I’ve been rebooted & I’m ready to take on anything & everything.”

Carl – Evil Eye Removal

“Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the sale of my house was finalized yesterday and all conditions were removed. It happened exactly when you said it would. Take care.”

Vivian – Real Estate – sell a house

“Hi Ashley – It’s been just over a week since you spell cast for me & my business has had fantastic sales! I’ve also been getting small amounts of money here & there unexpectedly. My divorce is going smoothly & the new man in my life – who’s initial appeared in the flame of your cauldron – is everything I have ever wanted in a romantic partner. I can’t wait to see what’s coming next!!! Thank you so much for helping me. Without you I don’t know if I could have moved forward to a positive outlook on life.”

Annette – Money/Prosperity

“The judge ruled in my favour. My ex is having his wages garnished & the child support payments that he was withholding from me & the kids are being reinstated. It happened so fast! I’m so relieved! Thank you!”

Ann – Justice

“Hi Ashley. Thank you for helping me on my path of Weight Loss as it sure is working. The scale says I’m down 5 pounds, but seeing the results is great. My clothes are getting a little loose. It‘s okay if you use my name.” A couple of weeks later. “I have lost 8.5lbs. I’m so happy. Have a great evening.”

Cathy – Weight Loss

“Oh my goodness Ashley! I will have updates on some of the results from the spell you did for me once they finalize. But let me just say…it’s working. I’ll keep you posted. Thank you!!”

Same client a short time later: “Ok so…finally. The offer I got on the one house took 2.5 weeks to get their act together & I had 6 other requests to show it within that time AND a backup offer. One hour ago we finally removed conditions with possession next Friday!! Whooo! The other house has serious interest & I’ll keep you posted on that one.”

Me: “This is truly amazing. I was hoping both houses had sold but with one sold & the other having serious interest I’m happy.”

Client: “I am beyond grateful for what you have done. And I’m so happy to see my client’s relieved.”

Jill – Real Estate – sell 2 houses

“Thank you, Ashley. During your work I received a call from an employer & I have an interview on Tuesday. I felt very positive & hopeful during my rite & still do.” Same client four days later: “Hello Ashley!!! Here is an update to your work!!! The video interview today was awesome. I will know by the end of October but it looks promising. During that video I received a call for a second interview with a company I spoke with in September. It is scheduled for October 27th. Then at 2:30pm today I received a call for a third job opportunity. I have an in-person interview with them on October 22nd. This is so exciting & great. I know I will receive an offer from one of these companies. Words cannot express my appreciation.” I told her that I believed she would have a job by the end of the month…possibly with multiple to choose from. Three days later: “Hello Earth Angel Ashley!!! I was offered the job from Thursday’s interview & I accepted. Still waiting to hear back from the one I really want. Either way I HAVE A JOB! I know the Find Employment Ritual was the reason I got 3 interviews & a job offer. Words cannot express how happy I am on getting the news. I had given up on finding a job. I had applied to 60 jobs & the rejection emails made me so depressed. I was concerned knowing that my unemployment papers were going to cripple me financially & my benefits would end soon. If anyone needs a positive change, they should contact you. It changed my life. THANK YOU THANK YOU so much. Please share this if you wish. Blessings. Diana.” Nine days later: “Hi Ashley. I wanted to give you an update on my employment search. You were right, I was offered multiple jobs…however the one I really wanted came on October 31st!!! I will be financially secure for the first time in my life. Again, I cannot thank you enough. You work & help are awesome. Thank you so much.”

Diana – Find Employment

“I feel so much better since you cast that spell for me. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m sleeping better. I’m feeling better. I’m not as anxious or stressed. I knew she had sent something dark my way, but I had no idea what it was or how to get rid of it. I’m so glad that our paths crossed. I cannot thank you enough my white witch friend.”

Jason – Curse/Hex Breaking

“The Weight Loss spell that you cast for me has been working so well. I feel amazing and I’m hoping to reach my goal by Christmas. Thank you!!!”

Donna – Weight Loss

“Hi Ashley. I thought I would give you an update on how everything is going. I am down just over 40 lbs and I feel great. My mental health has improved 90% and I feel better than I have in years. I can’t thank you enough.”

Crystal – Weight Loss – 7 months after spell

“Wow! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! I feel amazing! Thank you so much! I can’t even put into words how much better I feel!”

Carrie – Cord Cutting

“Hi Ashley. My space feels awesome. I feel so protected and I just love being here now. My neighbours are no longer a problem or a concern. I am feeling very safe. Thank you.”

Alice – Reversal Macick & Protection Spell

"Good morning my friend, I hope all is good with you. I'm doing good and getting healthy. I have lost 60lbs and feel better than I have in years. "

— Cathy – Weight Loss Spell & Distance Energy Healing Treatments (Goal achieved 1.5 years after the spell was cast)