Home Clearings
Business Clearings
Residential Buildings
Mobile Homes
Office Spaces
Home Clearings • Business Clearings • Residential Buildings • Apartments • Townhomes • Mobile Homes • Property • Office Spaces •
home and business Clearings
Please read this entire section before filling out the form
Base Price for a Residential Clearing is $333 plus provincial GST/HST
*Restrictions apply. Please read through ALL of the information below before submitting a form.
Buildings must be approved before any Home/Business Clearing can be arranged.
Ashley has been offering property/building clearings for many years by special request with excellent results. Scroll to the bottom of this page to read through some of the stories she’s encountered and the feedback she’s received. Space Clearings include all supplies, a handcrafted witch bottle, and a one-time in-person home/business clearing.
Base Price: $333 plus tax for up to 1200 sq ft home w/ basement on a standard lot. Larger buildings/land will require additional cost. Acreage size witch bottles are available upon request for an additional cost. Emergency Clearings can be arranged in some situations.
All properties/locations must be approved in advance. Ashley reserves the right to refuse service to any property for any reason.
Building type: residential homes, townhouses, apartments, office spaces/commercial buildings, etc.
Areas covered: Saskatoon, Asquith, Perdue, and Biggar, Saskatchewan - within town/city limits. Contact us before submitting a form if you are outside of our service areas.
.50¢/km milage fee beyond service areas if applicable.
Once submitted, we will review your completed form and get back to you via email - typically within 1-2 weeks. Delays can be expected around holidays. If your form and location are approved, we will arrange payment and schedule your clearing at that time.
The base price for a 1200 sq ft residential home clearing is $333 plus provincial GST/HST
*Please read all of the information on this page in its entirety before filling out this form.
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Customer feedback February 2025
Professional couple - Central Saskatchewan.
There is so much I want to say!
I want to share my story as I feel it's important to talk about why we need to reach out for support from those that are the experts. A couple of years ago, we had the start of things happening in our house that I never thought I would ever experience, let alone believe. A family member had passed and shortly after he was laid to rest, his spirit stayed in our house with ill intentions. He was not an upstanding citizen in his life so it wasn't really shocking that he would be this way in death. The experiences ranged from light flickers, shadows, noises, footsteps, movement of furniture/wall art, things turning on and off by themselves, and at some points, it would escalate to physical appearances where he would attack or he would manifest to show himself as my boyfriend when my boyfriend was in a different part of the house.
In the beginning - when we got possession of his ashes - I had a very disturbing night. I reached out to Ashley and she gave me advice on what to do and brought me some of her black salt. Everything was fine after I followed her instructions, until we laid him to rest by burying the ashes. I was often the target of his wrath and I was trying to constantly rationalize the events because, in my mind, this really couldn't be happening. Who could I tell? No one would believe me. My boyfriend was a self-proclaimed skeptic and since this person was related to him, it took awhile for him to start seeing it too. But eventually he did and we decided to handle things ourselves. We destroyed most of the possessions, we cleansed the house and told him he wasn't welcome. Things went quiet.. for a little while. It seemed to happen in waves and with no real reason on the timing. Then there was a night, where things came to a head and I connected with Ashley again. Within a couple of days, Ashley came to our home. With so much compassion and professionalism, she facilitated a house clearing, brought us a witch bottle, and gave us some instructions/items for things to do after she left. It was a very therapeutic experience and we appreciated the time that Ashley put in to support us in this process.
Immediately after the clearing, our house become lighter, quieter and peaceful. It just felt different, a good different! It's only been a week since the clearing, but we've had nothing happen and I can sleep peacefully again. I'm also excited to get back to some around the house projects (painting, redecorating, etc.) that I had on the go. I procrastinated on the project before, as I just really didn't want to spend time in that room. But now, I have no hesitation.
We will forever be grateful to Ashley for her time, knowledge and skill. She's helped us regain control of our lives and our home. Words could never convey how we truly feel and how appreciative we are. We are just so happy and you can't put a price on that!
Side note - I worked from home the last 2 days.. nothing happened at all.. no noises in the kitchen, footsteps or anything! My boyfriend also seems a lot happier!
So grateful!
Christina and Jason
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Original story - 2019
2 seniors residing on a horse ranch in central Alberta
*Warning...gruesome content.*
I was contacted by the owners of a horse ranch in Alberta, Canada approximately 2 months ago. They reached out to me in a message on social media after a friend of theirs thought that I might be able to help. After asking a lot of questions and doing some divination I decided to take their case on. The owners of the ranch are 2 seniors who (in my opinion) were honest, sincere, and of sound mind. For the past year or 2 these elderly siblings have repeatedly witnessed apparitions of dark creatures and disturbing incidences on their land. They claim to have seen a hooded/cloaked figure(s) on several occasions as well as dark masses of what looked like clouds hovering on their land. All of the negative energy seemed to target the horses, who were completely helpless and vulnerable. I had never encountered a case where the animals were most at risk. Usually the people are the targets. The most disturbing thing I was told was that one of the owners claims to have seen a huge hyena/dog-like creature walk across their property next to their home and head over to where their horses are kept. It was described to me as being massive in size, black in color, with hunched shoulders and a hyena-shaped face. She claimed that it walked in a very obvious “mechanical” motion and she’d never seen anything like it before. This woman had lived on farms her entire life and says it was not like any dog, coyote, fox or wolf that she had ever seen. Their are no hyenas in our part of the world.The woman was to afraid to leave her home and investigate so she waited until the next morning to check on the animals. It was then that the siblings found one of their horses - a beautiful chestnut brown mare with a white patch on her face - laying on the ground. Her chest had been ripped open in front of her heart. That horse had collapsed and bled out on the ground. Whatever killed the mare did not consume her. It wasn’t looking to feed. That horse was attacked by something dark with razor sharp claws and left to die on the ground. Since the first horse died, 2 other horses on that ranch also collapsed and died under mysterious circumstances. When the owners first reached out to me, a fourth horse had mysteriously collapsed for no apparent reason and her owners believed that they were going to lose her too. These siblings - who appeared to be very loving - were very obviously distraught and afraid. After contacting me, I started doing protection work for the people and animals on that land through distance work in my valley. Within hours the fourth horse to collapse had made a full recovery, was standing again and appeared very strong. I also learned that two of the neighboring farms had also been experiencing dark entities/paranormal phenomena and many of their animals have also died under mysterious circumstances.
My daughter, Natalie, and I went to the ranch yesterday. We spent a lot of time talking with the owners & getting acquainted with their animals. We did a thorough cleanse of the home and the horse barn as well as placing witch bottles both in the home and the barn. Meeting the horses was emotional and heartbreaking for both my daughter and myself. While the horses seemed fine around their owners, they appeared traumatized in general and were definitely frightened of something. It took a lot of love and gentleness on my part before they would take treats from my hand or allow me to pet them. The energy on that ranch has shifted dramatically since I started helping these people. I do believe that the hyena-looking creature is either a hellhound or a demonic entity.
Update: Horse ranch in Alberta, Canada. After cleansing their home, the barn, and their land...as well as leaving 2 of my witch bottles behind (house size in the home, acreage size in the barn)...I’m happy to report that no more dark entities have been seen since. The animals are fine and so are the neighbors/their animals. This went much better than expected and I’m happy to say that this case is now closed
Client Feedback: “The energy on our land has completely shifted since you put one of your acreage size witch bottles in our barn. No more apparitions. No more animals dying. No more problems. It’s been over six months and we can hardly believe that we have our lives back. Thank you for everything. We have so much respect for who you are and what you do.
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2024 - East Saskatchewan Residential Home - Family of 4
Client Feedback - Marissa Miskolczi: "We would like to thank you again Ashley for taking the time to come out and help us! We truly didn’t know where else to turn and appreciate you listening and understanding! You are seriously the best!"