Messages from Beyond The Grave
On March 21, 2021, I received a message from a woman named Michele. I had met Michele approximately 3 years earlier in Saskatoon & we became friends. “Hello Ashley. How are you?” she wrote. “Can I please book a reading with you? I have been dreaming about my Mom and Dad continuously lately so I know that they are trying to tell me something but I haven’t figured out what it is that they are trying to say."
A Tarot Card reading was booked for Friday, April 2nd around what messages Michele's parents were trying to get through to her. The appointment was soon forgotten. Michele stopped having dreams about her parents at that point.
On Saturday, March 27th, - the night before the full moon - I had the spirit of a smiling man with a moustache pay me a visit in the basement of my home. I was in bed, getting ready to go to sleep when he appeared.
The smiling man was only partially manifested. I could only see a portion of his face - not his body. He hovered just beyond the end of my bed. As the light anomaly rocked gently from side to side - as if the smiling man was trying to look around the room - different parts of his face would become more clear/illuminated than others. This photo was the best photo that I got of him. It was taken by me with my cell phone camera.
Light Anomaly - Smiling Man - March 27, 2021
Recognized as the deceased father of a client/friend. Taken with my cell phone camera in the basement of my home in central Saskatchewan, Canada.
On Tuesday, March 30th, I posted a photo on social media of the smiling man along with some details of his visit with me. I mentioned in that post that I had no idea who he was or why he was with me.
My friend, Michele, sent me a text message later that day, telling me that she & her husband thought that the smiling man looked like her father who had served in the war & passed away many years earlier. I didn't think much of her message at the time. My guess was that the smiling man probably looked like a lot of people. I'd forgotten all about Michele's upcoming reading with me & the fact that she'd messaged me about her dearly departed parents trying to get a message through to her in her dreams. I asked her to send me a photo of him.
On Thursday, April 1st, I saw an old photo of Michele's father & I recognized him immediately. He was without a doubt the spirit of the smiling man with the moustache who had paid me a visit the weekend before. Goosebumps ran up my entire body as I sent the message to Michele. We assumed that he had made an appearance to confirm his existence & that he did in fact have an important message to pass along to his daughter. We waited anxiously for the day of the reading to learn what it was that he was wanting to say.
On the night of April 1st (the night before Micheles reading) as I was getting ready for bed, I had another paranormal visitor. This time it was a slender, middle-aged woman with a round tip on the end of her nose. She had short curly hair. She appeared as a partially manifested light anomaly. I could only see a part of her face & hair. There also appeared to be a large capital letter M on her forehead above her eye. This was the best photo that I got of her. I did not recognize the woman who came to see me, but I had to wonder if she had any connection to Michele & her father - the smiling man with the moustache. Because of the late hour, I waited until morning to message Michele.
Light Anomaly - woman with round-tipped nose & short, curly hair - April 1, 2021
Recognized as the deceased mother of a client/friend. Taken with my cell phone camera in the basement of my home in central Saskatchewan, Canada.
On the morning of April 2nd, I asked Michele if she could send me a photo of her mother - somewhere between the age of 40-60 years. I did not tell Michele why. The black & white photo on the bottom right is the picture that Michele sent. I just about fell out of my chair when I saw it as I recognized the woman in the photo as being the same spirit who had paid me a visit the night before. Her presence in my home confirmed for me that Michele’s parents were both with me & that they really did have something important to say.
I shared the light anomaly photo with Michele who recognized her mother right away. She was delighted & told me that her mother’s name was Maisie - the M. But the M could also represent Michele & the word Mom. Michele & I then connected by phone to discuss the messages that her parents had been wanting her to hear. Those messages can’t be shared publicly as they are incredibly personal & need to be kept private. I can tell you, however, that the messages were deemed to be incredibly important. Michele said that she had an idea of what the messages might entail & the reading confirmed that for her. I knew nothing of Michele’s parents or what the messages might be about until after I had finished Michele’s reading. This was an amazing experience to be a part of. I’m honoured to have been able to help Michele & her parents communicate between realms. I wish them all the best from here.
Michele has given me permission to share her story along with her name & family photos.
I thought this post might give a few people some comfort in knowing that we are never truly alone. Our loved ones on the other side really do come back. They watch over us & are aware of all of the things going on in our lives. I believe this story offers proof of that.