Alexa, tell me a ghost story

A client reached out to me recently to book her 12 month forecast Tarot Card Reading. She has been booking a reading with me every year for the past few years. When I sat down to get her reading started, I pulled up her photo on my phone. I then began shuffling the cards.

As I was shuffling, a card fell out of the deck & landed in front of me. The message indicated that my client's life path will be changing course this year due to a significant risk or chance that she is willing to take. There is nothing forcing her to take a leap of faith in a new direction. That would be entirely up to her. But for whatever reason, she was meant to receive that message.

The instant that card fell out of the deck, my Alexa turned on & started playing loud dance music. It caught me completely off guard. I was alone in my house. There were a couple of sleeping animals nearby. Everything was very quiet & still. I left the music on while I finished getting her reading ready & at the end, I made a note of which songs had played. Interestingly enough, my client is heavily involved in the music industry. The type of music that Alexa played, corresponded directly with my clients aspirations. It was a clear message to me that spirit is encouraging her to pursue that path.

When I stood up to move into a different room in my house, I bumped into someone. It was the same as turning around in a public place - not realizing that someone was standing directly behind you - & bumping into them. I instantly said, "Oops...I'm sorry"...but then stopped myself as I remembered that there was nobody in the house but me. The body I bumped into was taller than me. I hit them with my left shoulder & down that arm to my elbow. Their shoulder was above mine & I could tell on impact that I had bumped into an adult male. I didn't know who he was. My home is open to spirit of positive intent. His presence was not alarming. In fact, I found his presence to be quite fascinating. I just really wanted to know who he was. It is also important to note, that my house is fully protected. If this spirit had ill intentions of any kind, he wouldn't have been able to get in.

When my client & I connected by phone, I mentioned what had happened & gave her the information on which songs had played. I told her to find the lyrics & read them as there might be an additional message there. I told her that it's not overly common for spirit to make their presence known to me while I'm getting ready to start a reading, but it does happen. She then reminded me that I had done a reading for her last August (2022) where something similar had happened with electronics in my home. During that reading, our conversation was interrupted when my home security system randomly armed itself. Again, I was alone & there was no immediate indication of why my security system had suddenly armed itself, but I assumed at the time that my husband or someone at the security company was doing something with the account on their end.

I remember that happening. I believe I had put up a post about it. I had just forgotten which client I had been speaking to at the time. Later that day, it was confirmed that my husband had not been doing anything with the alarm system through the app on his phone. He immediately contacted the security company for answers, but they didn't have any. My husband was told that nobody in their office was responsible. And while they can normally pinpoint the source of alarm activations - my cell phone, my husbands, our daughter, an employee at the company, etc., there was no recorded data on their end. It was a mystery that baffled us all - including the security company. It was also an isolated incident. There have been no issues with my security system arming itself since.

It is not uncommon for spirit to manipulate electronics to get my attention. My brother who passed in 1994 does it all the time. I asked my client who she thought the male was? I told her it would have been an adult male who was likely very close to her in life. She told me that she believed it was her grandfather - who passed many years ago. She said that he was a bit of a prankster...who loved joking around. She told me his name.

I asked out loud if that person was with me & before I could get my sentence finished I could feel fingers gently lifting the hair on the top of my head. As I'm typing this right now, I can feel fingers gently playing with my hair again. It was very soft & playful...but sent shivers up my entire body...& did confirm for me that her grandfather was present. What a lovely experience for her. The three of us had a wonderful conversation after that. My client is a lovely soul named, Nixon. She gave me permission to share her story. I hope you find it as interesting as I do.


The Séance & the Stepfather


Grave 223