The Séance & the Stepfather

Here’s another story involving my encounters with spirit. It is another of my favourites. It took place during a public séance that I held in October of 2018 where Automatic Writing was used as the main form of communication.

Our loved ones really do come back. This experience provided irrefutable proof of that.

I began dabbling in spirit channelling twenty-five-years ago & have been working on developing those skills ever since. It was a bit of a slow path for me in the beginning as I didn’t make channelling a priority in my life. I had a daughter to raise & bills to pay. But I did chip away at honing my skills…which eventually led to this...

I started successfully channelling dearly departed loved ones through Automatic Writing in 2014. In October of 2018, I conducted a public séance - using Automatic Writing as the form of communication. I was able to receive accurate messages from spirit that applied to 5 different people in the room whom I knew very little or nothing about. On the night of the séance - & unbeknownst to me - the woman seated on my right had a loved one who had died many years earlier in a house fire. I knew nothing about the tragic house fire when we first sat down - although I was aware that she had a stepfather & an aunt on the other side. I knew no other details. When the séance started, I went into a meditative trance, put my pen on the paper, & let the energy flow. I didn’t look at the paper. I didn’t focus on anything or anyone in particular. I opened myself to spirit & let the messages flow through me subconsciously.

What I ended up with at the end of that session didn’t look like much. It looked like a crude drawing that a very young child had done. On my paper was a series of squares, rectangles, & boxes - all connected to each other. There was a large scribble in the corner of one of the larger boxes. The scribble in the corner looked like an explosion. There were also a couple of distinctive, shorter lines along the edge of some of the boxes. I had no conscious memory of doing the drawing. It was as if I was looking at something that someone else had drawn. The only thing I remembered was that the message connected to an older male on the other side who wanted to make an apology to a woman in the room. I did not know which woman he was referring to. I also had a vague memory of having trouble breathing while I was in that trance - but the memory was hazy. It wasn’t until the woman seated next to me looked at the drawing in disbelief that the dots were connected. She told me that I had drawn an aerial view or a blueprint of the house that she had grown up in - the exact layout…room by room…in the correct shapes & sizes - with the extra lines drawn across 2 small sections representing where the front & back doors had been. The box containing the large scribble in the corner was her living room. The scribble was in the corner where the fire had broken out on the night that her stepfather had died. The woman seated next to me was just a girl at the time of the fire. She & her mother were able to make it out of the house safely…but not everyone did & the drawing was her stepfather’s way of validating his continued existence in the afterlife. It also confirmed that his message was real…& wasn’t a message that I had fabricated from nowhere. His apology to her was heartfelt - my heart physically ached - & it did make sense to her. Her stepfather was living with regrets on the otherside & getting his apology through to his stepdaughter was important. It freed him from his own emotional torment…allowing him to make his peace with it & move forward. May he rest in peace.

*Note that I will be teaching my Automatic Writing Class again soon - so watch for upcoming information on where those classes are being offered or send me a message.

Send me a message if you would like me to come & teach in your area. If I get enough interested parties I could potentially bring my class to you.

Lastly, I offer private teaching parties in the following areas - Saskatoon, Martensville, Asquith, Perdue, or Biggar, Saskatchewan. A minimum of 6+ students would be needed to book a private event in your home with me as your host.


Messages from Beyond The Grave


Alexa, tell me a ghost story