






Self-Love • Prosperity • Healing • Energy • Chakra • Earth • Reiki •

Distance Energy Healing Treatments

What is a Distance Energy Healing Treatment?

Distance Energy Healing is a gentle, half hour therapeutic practice which promotes stress reduction, relaxation and overall wellbeing. Energy Healing can be sent by me to anyone or any animal in any part of the world. Treatments can be purchased for yourself, your minor children, incapacitated adults (eg/ surgery/coma/dementia/bedridden) and/or your pets/animals. One Treatment covers one half hour session for one person or one animal.

During a Distance Energy Healing Treatment, I pull Energy up from the core of the Earth and down from the center of the Divine Universe into myself, which I then send out intuitively to my client while I am in a meditative state. It is a very safe, non-invasive practice. Our bodies heal best when we sleep or are relaxed – which is the main focus/goal of my work. In some cases, long term imbalances in the body will require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself. I have been offering Distance Energy Healing Treatments to both people and pets for many years – with a long list of happy clients under my belt.

The only things you will need to do during the time of my work is lay somewhere comfortable and keep a tall glass of water nearby. Then simply relax and be open to receiving the energy being sent your way.

A Distance Energy Healing Treatment is something that needs to be experienced in order to be truly appreciated.

Our Certifications

Aura Scanning, Repair, & Healing

Energetic Facelift

Access Bars

Angel Reiki Master/Teacher

Tera Mai/Usui Reiki Practitioner – level 2

Reiki for Pets/Animals

Trance Energy Healing

Chakra Healing

Egyptian Healing Practices

Pendulum Healing

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing for Pets/Animals

Sound therapy

EFT Tapping for Stress Reduction

Cranial Relaxation


Distance Energy Healing Treatments are $79.99 plus provincial GST/HST

*Please read the Distance Energy Healing Treatment information in its entirety before filling out this form. Incorrectly submitted forms will result in delays.*

Please allow 1 - 3 weeks to have your form read and responded to.


“Hi Ashley. I feel great today after our energy healing session. I’m full of energy. My legs feel much better when I walk. I forgot what it feels like to feel this good. A huge thank you.♥️”

~ Cathy (1000+ km away)

“My dear Ashley, David once again has had a great day! No pain medication. He is looking better & his spirits are better. His pain has subsided. WOW! This is such a blessing! There is no cure for David’s condition but if he can get relief then that’s truly all that matters. It’s so hard to live with pain. Thank you Ashley from our hearts.”

~ Jackeline – after series of 4 treatments (350+ km away)

“Wow! Thank you! I believe we connected for a reason. I will book 3 more treatments when you have time. I believe you are a part of my journey.”

~ Mary (1500+ km away)

“Just had Willy at the vet & she is amazed at how well he is healing. I had to giggle & I was like, “Do I tell her…or maybe later.” The next day…”The vet just called with good news. Basically an 8% chance of the tumour returning & only 4% chance of it spreading. She said those are really good numbers. I am over the moon with happiness.” About a week later…”Willy is doing great. Loves his walks.”

~ Tricia – healing treatments for family dog (350+ km away)

“I’m feeling AMAZING!!! So needed that. I could feel energy coming back to me and it was revitalizing. Now I’m hungry!!! The flow of energy hasn’t been around lately so I am GRATEFUL to feel it again!!! Thank you!!!♥️♥️♥️”

~ Amber (475+ km away)

“Wow. I’m so glad to hear the positive message about my wrist. For the first time since I injured it, when I was working out last night, it felt somewhat normal. I wasn’t in pain putting weight on it. And I’ve had a lump on my wrist & I swear it’s gone down in size. Yay!! That’s so amazing.”

~ Brooke (270+ km away)

“These healing treatments truly work as I continue to improve daily with less pain. Thank you Ashley ”

~ Cathy (1000+ km away)

“Wow this is amazing! She also experienced some pressure in her head and it only lasted like you said a few seconds and was gone. And yes, she does need glasses but she hasn’t been wearing them on a daily basis. Her aunt on her dad’s side passed away recently, just a few days ago, and she played piano (I had mentioned to the client right after the healing treatment that an older woman who played the piano had entered my healing circle and told me that she is watching over the girl from the other side). Absolutely amazing! She says she feels much lighter. It was very calming and peaceful for her. She almost fell asleep. Thank you so much Ashley! This was very interesting and beautiful!!!”

~ Donna – treatment for grandchild (800+ km away)

“Ashley’s long distance healing sessions with my daughter and divination have been a life changer. Things were not looking good and now there has been some positive turn around. Plus she gave me peace of mind and guidance through this time. I am so grateful for everything. Her healing session I believe was a game changer.”

~ Julie (350+km away)

“Thank you Ashley. I feel so renewed. I would like another healing treatment some time next week or the week after that.”

~ April (100+ km away)

“I have minimal to no pain. Pressure and swelling is normal. Incision is clean. Yesterday surgeon said that everything went super good! Was easier than expected and process was simpler than anticipated. I did not require the pain medication that is usually needed, had some but not near what was prescribed. And I do not need anything more than Tylenol at home. The specialist said my blood pressure surpassed her expectations. She is pleased so they sent me home! On the day of my surgery, I was in pre-op. My partner was with me. They just brought me a warm sheet. I was sitting waiting to talk to the team, and this hug came to me. I heard a whisper ‘Ashley has started, it is okay.’ I asked my partner what time it was and he said 5 minutes to 8 (the scheduled time of your healing treatment ). I was asleep in two minutes I swear. I woke up once when they were calling me for tube removal. Then I do not remember anything until recovery.” Several days later…”YOU ARE A HUGE PART OF THIS JOURNEY I WALKED. I do not know how else to thank-you!!! I am feeling good! Sleep at night comes freely. Two days now and no naps. Eating almost normal food, still soft. Loose ground hamburger and mashed potatoes never tasted so good in my life! And the stitch tapes are starting to slowly peel away, first trim was last night!!! Thank you for everything!!!”

~ Twyla (150+ km away)

“Hi Ashley. I stayed sleeping through the night. Thank you!”

~ Donna – insomnia/sleep disorder (800+ km away)