It follows Him Part 1

I thought this post might interest a few people. The rest of this True Ghost Story will have to wait until another time.

A young mother placed an order with me recently. I knew something was wrong by the items she chose. She then sent me a message asking if we could arrange a reading for her husband. "He is wondering if something might be attached to him." I had a feeling then that I was going to get involved...but I waited to see what unfolded.

The night I agreed to do the reading, my husband and I experienced some intense paranormal activity outside of our home. We were both awakened by loud thuds and bangs on the exterior walls of our house. It sounded like a giant was going to come crashing through the walls...very intimidating sounds. The noises started after midnight and woke my husband up 3 times. I was awakened at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. I had two different scenarios that I was dealing with that may have caused the uptick in paranormal activity...but my gut told me it was whatever was bothering this young family. I knew that whatever it was, it didn't want me getting involved and was trying to frighten me away. That wasn't going to happen. Anything that would frighten a sweet two-year-old child...was a problem...and it needed to go. I also knew that I was meant to step in and take care of it.

I texted the husband the following day and asked if we might have a quick phone conversation. I wanted to know what kind of activity he had been experiencing and how long it had been going on for. During that call, he told me that something was in their house. It had been there since they moved in - around 8 or 9 years ago. He said it doesn't bother his wife - only him and his very young children. He said that he sees shadowy figures in the corners of rooms at night. Doors are opening and closing on their own. There are unexplained noises and things being moved around. He said it feels like he's being watched and it follows him. He then told me that his toddler and pets can see it and it frightens them too. Recently his young daughter had been walking down the hallway, she screamed, and came running back to her parents...very afraid of whatever it was that she saw. The husband himself said that he had reached a point where he's stopped sleeping - I could hear how rattled he was - yet he also said that he has no problem sleeping in other locations...only in his own house. He asked me to help him understand what is going on and hopefully get rid of it.

When I did the reading, the following day, all of the answers became clear. I knew exactly what was going on and what needed to be done to clear the situation up. The young couple thanked me for helping them to get the story sorted out and the husband felt very relieved when he realized what it was that they were dealing with. I told him this situation is manageable and that their paranormal problems will end very soon. We arranged for me to come to their home tonight and do some paranormal investigating...before bringing my protection items into their those are my evening plans. My husband, Chris, has agreed to be my driver, camera, sound, and lighting man. We figure it will take us a good 4 hours to complete the investigation...coupled with a two-hour drive it will be another late night for me.

I hope you find this interesting...the rest of this True Ghost Story will have to wait as it is still unfolding.

What do you think might be going on in this young families home? Do you think it was a former resident? Someone who dabbled in the occult/devil worship? Do you think it was something else? What kind of activity do you think we will get? Feel free to leave a comment below.


It follows Him Part 11


The Monarch Cemetery