It follows Him Part 11

This story is a continuation of It Follows Him Part 1 posted on March 1, 2024.

The young couple in this True Ghost Story are Paul and Marissa Miskolczi. They have given me permission to use their names and family photo.

Paul and Marissa with their two young children. This photo was taken approximately two weeks before the time of my involvement.

It was revealed in Paul’s reading that the spirit haunting their home was that of an adult female. She looked to be somewhere between 30 and 40 years of age. She had once owned the land where Paul and Marissa’s house now stands. She owned all of their neighbors land as well - covering an area of at least 2 full city blocks. This woman’s story dates back to the days of the earliest settlers…somewhere between the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s…long before a town had been established and the land subdivided. Her land was wrongfully taken from her, she was bitter about it, and rightfully so. She was angry and she wanted justice. And while I felt that her feelings were warranted, I didn’t understand why Paul and his very young daughter were the target of her attacks. Paul is a very gentle and likeable person. He’s a proud father, doting husband, and good provider. He’s very friendly and outgoing. He’s easy to like. Paul’s daughter, who was also being terrorized, is only two years old. Why had the spirit of the woman become so attached and vindictive towards them? Why was she following Paul? I had no sooner asked myself that question when the answer was revealed. Paul looked identical to a person who had participated in running this woman and her family off of their land over a century ago. The events unfolded around the turn of the 20th century. Because of how similar Paul and this man looked in appearance, I knew that the man in my vision was likely one of Paul’s ancestors.

“Do you have ancestors who settled in the area?” I asked Paul.

“Yes,” he replied.

“How far back did they go? Would they have been some of the first settlers?”

“Yes,” he replied. “My family dates back to the original European settlers in this area.”

I now knew what the problem was and why the angry female spirit was so fixated on Paul.

“You look just like him,” I said. “It was one of your ancestors who participated in taking this woman’s land over a century ago. He was heavily involved. He treated her horribly.” I took a breath as intuitive messages rushed in. “It explains why she’s bothering your daughter…as your daughter is a direct descendant…a continuation of the bloodline.”

“That does make sense,” Paul muttered. Melissa agreed. “But I’m not my ancestor,” he insisted. “I would never hurt anyone. So what do we do? How do we get her to stop?”

“The good news is that she’s human…which means that this situation is manageable. That said, her aggression towards your little girl needs to stop…now. It’s never okay to frighten children. I’m also concerned that this spirit is physically able to move heavy objects. That indicates that she has considerable strength and she’s using that power to intimidate your family. That’s not okay. She’s angry…she’s allowed that anger to fester into a boiling rage…and now she’d directing that rage at innocent people. She needs to be stopped or I’m afraid that someone in your home might get hurt.”

The young couple agreed.

“I did wake up with scratches on me,” Paul mentioned. “I see it in my hallway at night. It stands outside our bedroom door. I know it wants to hurt me and my daughter and I don’t know how to protect us from it. The activity has been getting worse and more frequent. I’ve stopped sleeping.” I could hear how rattled Paul was. His fear was genuine and I knew his situation was real. I also knew that his fear was giving the female spirit energy. She was feeding off of Paul’s fear. She was building and growing and using that energy and power to wreak havoc in their lives.

“You’re a battery for her,” I told Paul. “She is feeding off of your fear. It gives her strength. We need that to stop because she’s using that power and energy against you…and your daughter.” I paused. “I need you to take your house back.” I thought for a moment.

“Would you be open to me coming to your house?” I asked. “I would like to do some paranormal investigating to see if we can reason with her. I would like her to cross over or leave the home willingly…but if she flies into a rage or wants to fight…I will end it. She can’t be attacking people. She can’t be terrorizing young children. She’s a menace and that’s not okay. Ideally, I would like her to go to a place where she can heal from her trauma…but I can’t force her…she would need to want that for herself.”

“Yes,” Melissa and Paul answered in unison. “Please come and fix this,” Paul added.

“Good,” I responded. “I will come this Friday. You’ve ordered the right products from me…so I don’t expect this to be a problem much longer. We will communicate with her and try to get her to cross over willingly. But if she resists or attacks, I will bring my witch bottle in and force her out. You will get your home back. I promise…just give it a couple more days.”

Paul and Marissa were pleased and Paul expressed his deep gratitude for my involvement. He was relieved to know what was in his house and why it was following him. The reading I had done was paramount in providing details and sorting out the story. But more importantly, Paul was comforted in knowing that his families ordeal was coming to an end. He could hardly believe it. After nine years of escalating paranormal problems, I’m sure we can all imagine his relief.

Late that Friday afternoon, my husband and I arrived at Paul and Marissa’s home. Their two-year-old daughter and dog had left to spend some time with grandparents while the investigation took place. I never know what to expect on a paranormal investigation and didn’t want to chance something happening to or frightening their child. The couple agreed.

We spent a few minutes on introductions and bringing my equipment into their home, before Paul and Marissa started showing me around.

As we toured the home, Paul and Marissa told me stories of paranormal events they had experienced more recently. The baby monitor was a trigger object. Something would mess with it regularly. Marissa told me that it went missing entirely one day. This was when their oldest daughter was still an infant in her crib and would have been unable to reach, move, or hide the object herself. The young mother looked everywhere for the monitor but couldn’t find it, so she ordered a replacement. A month later, Marissa said that she went to feed their dog and found the missing baby monitor in the bottom of the dog’s food container…buried under piles of food.

Doors were opening and closing on their own. Items were being shuffled around in different rooms. The couple awoke one morning to find their attic door - in the ceiling of their hallway (a hot spot for activity) - open with piles of insulation from their attic strewn across the hallway floor. Apparitions of shadow people had been seen. It was frightening stuff. Paul had also been told by friends that something was following him. It was described as a shapeless mass of smoke that chased after him as he walked. Wherever Paul went, he was being followed…and the idea of that was truly disturbing.

My first impression of Paul and Marissa’s home was not what I expected at all. I was expecting heavy. I was expecting dank, and dark, and intense. I’d been hoping for the best…but was prepared for a fight. I was expecting to feel nauseous…or to be hit, pinched, or shoved. I expected aggressive…I expected a fight…and when it didn’t happen, I was confused.

I’m 53 years old. I’ve visited a lot of homes with intense paranormal activity over the years…and this house felt nothing like those other houses. Still, I didn’t trust that it would stay calm for long. I took the protection necklace that I was wearing off and put it on Paul. I then lit one of my handcrafted energy clearing wands and had Paul cleanse the house. I told him that he needed to take his house back. I told him to not be afraid.

I set up my paranormal equipment throughout the house. I had multiple cameras, sensors, light grids, and trigger objects set up in various rooms where there were no people. I set up sensors and cameras in the hallway. Nothing happened.

The four of us sat down in the living room and conducted a spirit box session…hoping to reach the spirit of the angry woman and have a conversation with her…but she didn’t come through. It was like she had left the property before I arrived.

I stayed in Paul and Marissa’s home for approximately 4 hours. It was peaceful and calm the entire time I was there. It was unusually quiet and I wasn’t sure what to make of that. At the end of the evening, I packed up all of my equipment, brought my witch bottle into their home, and wished them a good night. I asked them to keep me updated if anything else occurred.

In the following weeks, I reviewed the footage. There was nothing - one sound that was picked up on a night vision camera…that sounded like something was trying to touch or move it…but aside from that, things were quiet. We did have a number of spirit come through during our spirit box session…but they didn’t respond to our questions or interact with us. They were talking to each other. The best way to describe it, is like we were sitting in a busy coffee shop…where all of the people sitting at nearby tables knew our business and were discussing Paul and Marissa’s situation…but nobody was speaking directly to us…nobody was admitting fault…and nobody wanted to get involved. There were many things said by spirit that confirmed details from the reading I had done for Paul two days earlier. We knew the background story was accurate…but nobody wanted to speak with us directly.

It’s now been an entire month since I visited Paul and Marissa’s home. I have reached out to the young couple several times for updates and everything has been wonderful since. They have their home back. Everyone is sleeping peacefully through the night. The energy is good and there are no more frightening experiences. Their daughter is no longer afraid of her room or the hallway. Everything is blissfully normal.

The energy is fine at my house too. No more intimidating banging on the exterior walls of the house. Nothing is out of the ordinary.

My conclusion is that the spirit of the angry woman didn’t want me to come to Paul and Marissa’s home, but she didn’t want to face me either…so she left before I arrived. It was her choice to cross over with our help, leave the house willingly, or stay and be trapped in the witch bottle. She chose to leave and I consider this situation successfully concluded.

Wishing this beautiful young family a lifetime of happiness ahead.

Do you or someone you know live or work in a haunted building? Feel free to leave a comment below.


across the laundry room


It follows Him Part 1