Black foot

This story is not a True Ghost Story, but it is a True Story involving my brother-in-law, one of my healing treatments, and an intuitive message that - a year-and-a-half later - was deemed accurate.

I have permission to share and use their family photo. In the photo (from left to right): Cole, Tanya, Marvin, & Blake Walter. Tanya and my husband, Chris, are siblings.

The Walters: Marvin (center) with his wife, Tanya, and their sons Blake (right) and Cole (left).

In December of 2022, I held  a public event in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. That same weekend, my brother-in-law, Marvin, was in the hospital. He’d had surgery to fix one problem…but it didn’t solve everything. His doctors weren't sure what was wrong with him. Marvin’s body was producing way more blood than it needed - plus there were a few other issues going on. It was complicated. Marvin was sent home to rest while the medical professionals continued searching for answers.

Following his hospital stay, Marvin had to go to the hospital every week to have excess blood pumped out of his body. This went on for months. Marvin was in pain. He missed a lot of work. His wife and kids were understandably concerned; we all were. And while he was tested for many things...the doctors couldn't seem to figure it out.

In April 2023 - on the Easter long weekend - my husband and I went to his parents house for supper. Marvin, Tanya, and the kids were also there. Tanya had been having issues with her lower back for years, so I offered to do a quick energy healing treatment on her before supper. She accepted and we went to one of the upstairs bedrooms. While I was working on her, I kept getting the intuitive message that 'Tanya will benefit from this...but Marvin needs it.' The message kept repeating itself on a loop, so I stopped her treatment and asked if Marvin would be open to trying a healing treatment with me. Marvin's a bit of a skeptic when it comes to energy work, but Tanya went and asked him if he'd be open to trying it.

A few minutes later, Tanya and Marvin came to the room I was in. I explained to Marvin that my energy healing treatments are similar to reiki - which most people have heard of even if they've never tried it. I told him that he would feel no pain and that he would very likely feel sleepy. I told him not to fight it if he wanted to sleep. 

As I worked on each of Marvin's feet, my sister-in-law, Tanya - who sat next to him,  noticed that as my hands were placed onto the sole of each foot, his toes and the top of his foot would turn black for thirty seconds or so...with the color slowly returning to normal as I worked. This went back and forth between both of his feet as I switched from working on his left foot to his right and back again. I couldn't see the black toes from the angle I was seated at and Marvin had fallen he didn't see it either. Tanya told us about it after my work was complete and Marvin woke up. 

During Marvin's healing treatment, I kept getting the intuitive message 'Spleen...his spleen is the problem. Spleen. Spleen. Spleen.' This message kept repeating itself in my head on  a loop.

I'm not a doctor. I know we all have a spleen, but I wasn't overly familiar with it's purpose/function. When I looked it up online, it did seem to fit in with my brother-in-laws ailments. Our spleens control the level of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets (small cells that form blood clots) in our bodies. Our spleens also store blood, filter our blood, fight infection, and maintain the levels of fluid in our bodies. A person with a bad spleen can have it removed and live a perfectly normal life. Our bodies can function just fine without a spleen.

After we finished eating supper that night, I asked my sister-in-law, Tanya, to go for a walk with me. While we were walking, I explained about the messages. She said it was funny that I had mentioned Marvin's spleen as his GP had mentioned it once during an appointment...that there may be a problem with his spleen. I asked her what came of that and she told me that it was put on a back burner and forgotten about. Fortunately, Marvin was seeing that doctor again I told her to have him bring it up and see if they can explore it. I also told Tanya that…as far as my healing treatments go…some people aren't fixable - depending on their medical issues and the severity - but that Marvin wasn't one of those people. I told her that she didn't have to worry about possibly losing him over all of this.

"This is fixable," I told her.  The doctors just need to sort it out.

The next few times I saw Tanya and Marvin, I asked how things were going medically. Lots of discussions had been had with different doctors and lots of possibilities explored...but the situation itself remained unsolved. I felt bad about that, but there wasn't much I could do. My involvement was limited.

Fast forward to August 2024. I receive a text from Tanya with an update.

"Hey! Just an update on Marvin...   He has been in pain for a bit. Has gone to the doctor multiple times. They finally did a CT scan and found that it is his spleen. You told us that when you did a treatment/reading and it took this long for the doctors to find it."

My response:

"Holy moly! I'm so sorry to hear that he's dealing with that. But I'm glad they've got it sorted out so they can help him. Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to use that as a post for my healing treatments sometime."

Tanya’s response:

"Yes. That happened on Monday. He was in a lot of pain. I was going to call you and see if you could do a reading on him but he took himself to the hospital.

He told the CT scan technician that you are a witch and did a reading on him and that you were right (it was his spleen). She looked at him and said, "How do I get a hold of her?" Lol. He told her you're on Facebook and what your business is called."

My response:

"Well I'm just glad they have it sorted out so he can get better. This has dragged on for way too long."

Tanya's response:

"It sure has."

I'm happy that the doctors have finally reached a conclusion and Marvin has been officially diagnosed. Now he can get the treatment he needs and their family can get back to living a normal life. All’s well that ends well. Wishing Marvin, Tanya, and the kids a lifetime of happiness ahead.

What do you think about Marvin’s situation and the intuitive message he received in 2023? What are your thoughts on the black toes? Have you ever had a healing treatment or reading with me that left a lasting impression? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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The Booher Murders - Part 2