Apartment 2B

Here's a True Ghost Story that dates back to the summer of 2018. Some of you might remember this - if you've been with me that long. This situation made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end & to this day is one of my favourite paranormal cases to have worked on. It involves an old apartment building in Western Alberta, Canada, a young woman who lived there (a stranger to me at the time) & some truly fascinating poltergeist activity. Names have been changed.

In July of 2018, I went to visit my daughter, Natalie, who had recently graduated from college. She had rented a small apartment in Western Alberta & was working a regular job until she figured out her next move. While I was there, I was introduced to a young girl named Melissa who also lived in the building. We had an interesting conversation about some of her paranormal experiences since moving in. At first, I didn’t think too much of it. But it soon became apparent that there was a serious problem going on. 

Melissa told me about doors opening & closing by themselves - she showed me videos of the activity that she'd captured on her phone. I was also told about pictures being taken off the walls & found laying on the carpet, pet fish that had disappeared out of the tank & a necklace that she always wore was found hanging around the rod of her coat closet - as if someone had placed it around the rod & did up the clasp to hold it in place amongst the coat hangers. The scariest thing that happened was when Melissa was showering - she was alone in the apartment at the time - & a hand appeared to push on the outside of the curtain towards her 3 times. This act was aggressive & understandably rattled the young girl. I wasn't okay with things like that happening, so, with Melissa’s permission, my daughter & I went to the apartment to do a cleansing. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was how cold her place felt. Then I saw her necklace...still hanging on the rod in her coat closet. She was afraid to take it down. Natalie & I quickly got to work. We cleansed every room - focusing on corners & shadowy places. I then carried out a banishing rite...& as I did...my face began to burn. The energy was intense & the girls noticed right away how red my cheeks were getting. I then recited a second banishing rite & ended it with “and protect us all!” As soon as I finished, the pain & redness dissipated. The apartment felt good. It really wasn’t too difficult to get rid of this thing, but it needed to happen. This was a really odd case. In the weeks before meeting me, Melissa had heard the name George being whispered when she was alone. George is the name of my spirit guide. He helps me in situations where people need protection. She also felt the presence of a little boy who sounded identical to an apparition of a little boy I'd seen sitting on my sofa on the day of the previous full moon. I wished Melissa well & told her to contact me if the problems continued. 

Fast forward several months. 

I received word from Melissa that the aggressive male spirit had returned. How? She was entertaining friends one weekend & mentioned her previous situation. One of those guests thought it might be "fun" to witness a few of these poltergeist events for himself. Against Melissa's wishes & better judgement, he arrogantly & ignorantly invited it back...taunting it...disrespecting it...beckoning it to cause a disturbance that would impress him. The two friends had a falling out over it, he left & they no longer stayed in contact. But, Melissa was then left with the aggressive entity back in her apartment.

Since being invited back in, Melissa had been experiencing some truly frightening experiences in her home. Doors were opening & closing on their own. Objects were being moved or disappearing all together. She kept hearing whispering & was being touched in an inappropriate manner. I felt really bad for her. Melissa called my daughter on New Years Eve - distraught - & asked if I would come back to help. She was hoping to gain a sense of comfort back & feel safe in her home once again. I agreed & arrangements were made for us to go back. 

I'd forgotten until I returned, how dense the energy felt in that apartment. I'd forgotten how that spirit made me feel in my core. I'd forgotten how my face & ears had burned at the time of the first cleansing...but it all came flooding back as I started to clear the energy from that space. 

That apartment building was old & had seen a large turnover of tenants over the years. The spirit in Melissa's apartment was male & he had lived there at some point. A hypodermic needle was found hidden behind a loose tile in her bathroom - speaking volumes about what we were dealing with. 

While Natalie & I were doing the cleansing, we were told that the vent had fallen from the bathroom ceiling recently - leaving an exposed gap between the ductwork & a void which separated the apartment we were standing in from the one above it. As I held my candle up to that void, I clearly saw some sort of anomaly. It was approximately 5 inches wide, beige in colour, illuminated & disappeared quickly when it realized it had been noticed. We did our best to investigate, but it disappeared into the walls of the building. As I continued my work, the right side of my face felt like it was on fire again. My right ear felt like it had been punched hard. The pain was intense...& the girls physically watched my face & ear turn to a bright red colour. After I finished my work, the pain immediately disappeared from my ear & my face began to calm down until it felt normal again. Following that cleansing, the energy seemed to shift...everything felt lighter...& divination told me that they spirit had left.

Things were good in Melissa's apartment after that final visit. There were no more disturbances...no more frightening poltergeist incidences. My daughter, Natalie, moved away from that building a few months later. Melissa moved a short while after that. Both are happy & are living their best lives.

Apartment buildings tend to harbour more paranormal energy than the average home due to the high volume of people who come & go over the years. Not all of that energy will be intelligent...some would be residual based on events that had taken place. This is just my personal opinion - based on things I've experienced. Stay safe. Take care.

Have you ever experienced poltergeist activity? Was it aggressive - intentionally trying to hurt people &/or instill fear? How did you handle it? Feel free to leave a comment below. 


The Wendigo


I’ve loved you for a thousand years…& I will love you for a thousand more