The Wendigo

*Warning...gruesome content.* This True Ghost Story took place in April of 2019 while I was helping my daughter move from Alberta to Nova Scotia. Some of you might remember this one - if you've been with me that long. It was terrifying. Everyone was on edge.  I'm glad the situation was able to be resolved. 

Originally published on social media April 28, 2019:

Some people like reading the stories of the protection work that I do as a practicing white witch. This one is very interesting - yet disturbing & sad. I was contacted by the owners of a horse ranch in Alberta, Canada, approximately 2 months ago. They reached out to me in a message on social media after a friend of theirs (who knew of their troubles) thought that I might be able to help. After asking a lot of questions & doing some divination, I decided to take their case on. They’d been waiting a very long time for my help & were so thankful that I had made some room for them in my very busy schedule. 

My daughter & I paid them a visit in person yesterday as we traveled across Alberta. The owners of the ranch are 2 seniors who (in my opinion) were honest, sincere & of sound mind. For the past year or two these elderly siblings have repeatedly witnessed apparitions of dark creatures & disturbing incidences on their land. They claim to have seen hooded/cloaked figures on several occasions as well as dark masses of what looked like clouds hovering on their land. All of the negative energy seemed to target the horses - who were completely helpless & vulnerable - instead of the people. I’ve never encountered a case where the animals were most at risk. Usually, the people are the targets. The most disturbing thing I was told was that one of the owners claims to have seen a huge hyena/dog-like creature walk across their property next to their home & head over to where their horses were kept. It was described to me as being massive in size, black in colour, with hunched shoulders & a hyena-shaped face. She claimed that it walked in a mechanical motion & she’d never seen anything like it before. This woman has lived on farms her entire life & says it was not like any dog, coyote, fox or wolf that she had ever seen. There are no hyenas in our part of the world.

The woman was too afraid to leave her home & investigate the creature - so she waited until the next morning to check on the animals. It was then that the siblings found one of their horses - a beautiful, rich brown-coloured mare - laying on the ground. Her chest had been ripped open in front of her heart. That horse had collapsed & bled out on the ground. Whatever killed that animal did not consume her. It wasn’t looking to feed. She had been attacked by something menacing - with razor sharp claws - & left to die. Oddly - before hearing from the sisters...or about this particular horse - a horse who looked identical to this one had been coming to me in dreams. I had heard it walking around in my bedroom & it nudged at my shoulder to wake me one afternoon while I was having a nap. At the time, I thought it was my dog, Brody, who was nudging me but when I rolled over, I realized that I was alone in the room. 

Since that first horse in Alberta had died, two other horses on their ranch had also collapsed & died under mysterious circumstances. When the owners first reached out to me, a fourth horse had mysteriously collapsed for no apparent reason & her owners believed that they were going to lose her too. These people - who appeared to be very loving - were very obviously distraught & afraid. After contacting me, I started doing protection work for the people & animals on that land through distance work in a valley near my home. Within hours, horse #4 - named River - had made a full recovery, was standing again & appeared very strong.

Without going into every detail, I will tell you that aside from the dark apparitions, there was an acquaintance who had been allowed to live on the land temporarily who took advantage of the kindness & generosity of the elderly owners. That man was eventually run off the property - but not before making threats. There is another man in the area who is of questionable character & I learned just this past Friday that 2 of the neighbouring farms have been experiencing dark entities/paranormal phenomena & many of their animals have also died under mysterious circumstances.

When my daughter, Natalie, & I went to the ranch yesterday (April 27 2019) we spent a lot of time talking with the owners & getting acquainted with their animals. We did a thorough cleanse of the home & the horse barn as well as placing one of my witch bottles both in the home & another in the barn. I did a banishing/cleansing/healing/protection rite to clear away any negative energy or intent created by the man who had been run off the land. Meeting the horses was emotional & heartbreaking for both my daughter & I. While they seemed fine around their owners, they appeared traumatized in general & were definitely frightened of something. It took a lot of love & gentleness on my part before they would take treats from my hand or allow me to pet them. The energy on that ranch has shifted dramatically since I started helping these people but this case - like many I stumble across - isn’t over. There are multiple layers to it - many things going on. I do believe that the hyena-looking creature is either a wendigo, a hellhound or a demonic entity. He may take multiple attempts to be cleared away. Time will tell. Please note that I do believe these animals & people are safe & protected at this time. I will post an update sometime down the road.

Update - originally published on social media July 18 2019:

Remember the horse ranch in Alberta that I posted about on April 28? Two seniors were terrified as a series of dark hooded figures & a huge, black dog-like creature (which I thought might be a Wendigo) were seen on their land. Horses were dying & I learned that 2 neighboring ranches were also being affected by similar instances. After cleansing the home, the barn & the well as leaving 2 of my witch bottles behind...I’m happy to report that no more dark entities have been seen since. The animals are fine & so are the neighbors/their animals. This went much better than I first expected & I’m happy to say that this case is now closed. 

I never expected this situation to be cleared up so quickly & easily...but I'm glad that it was. Wishing everyone a great day.

Do you believe that the creature on the property was a wendigo, a hell hound, demonic creature or something else? Feel free to leave a comment below. 

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The Booher Murders Part 1


Apartment 2B