I’ve loved you for a thousand years…& I will love you for a thousand more

It's Sunday & that means it's time for another True Ghost Story. This one involves a Past Life Report that I recently wrote for a woman in Western Canada & a husband from her Past Life whose love ran so deep, he is still by her side. This story spans multiple centuries & lifetimes & I feel truly honoured to have been a part of something so special. I've encountered a lot of amazing situations since opening myself to the spirit world...but this story surprised even me. Note that not everyone makes connections like this with their Past Life Reports - this is not typical - but I promise you connections are there. I have been given permission to share this story. Names have been changed. 

"Ohhhh!!!!! This is so wonderful!" I received a text message from a client named Rebecca after sending her Made By A Real Witch™ Past Life Report. Her Report depicted the life of a homemaker who lived in Scotland or Ireland in the 16-1800s. In my visions, I saw rolling hills of green grass & flocks of sheep. I told Rebecca that in that Past Life, she'd had a husband who adored her...a large man with red hair & a clean shaven face. Together they raised five children. Rebecca also had red hair in that life…& her complexion was very pale.

"I am half Scottish in this lifetime," Rebecca continued. "My hair has a lot of red in it - from before the dye jobs - and I have very pale skin. I just had thistles tattooed on my shoulder to represent the Scot in me!"

I told Rebecca that her relationship with her husband from that life was special…but my words were falling short. I wasn’t adequately describing it. I’d never felt a connection like it before. It wasn't your average love story. 

Rebecca: "I had a reading last year where the reader told me that I had a strong Scottish man looking over me. Last night after I read my report, I asked, “Is this you beside me?”  I instantly had a super strong sensation that was cold but not cold - if you know what I mean. My skin tingled.  I knew it was him. He’s still with me.  I instantly felt safe and a little teary eyed.  It was so beautiful.  I can't describe it in words. I have read my Past Life Report over and over already, and I know there are messages in there that I still need to glean out and digest more. Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️”

I too felt conent. there was an odd sense of peace.

Me: “I absolutely LOVE the connections & your ties to Scotland! I'm terrible at recognizing accents & where people are from. I could hear you speaking…but only knew that it was Scotland or Ireland. I didn't realize that you have natural red hair. But I am particularly gobsmacked that your husband from that life is still with you & watching over you. That gave me goosebumps from head to toe - in a good way. As I'm writing this I'm given the name Wally. I'm assuming that is short for Wallace...but it is possible that it was a nickname. I can see him. He was a handsome, large-framed man with red hair. He was not overweight...but not someone I would describe as being thin either.”

Rebecca: “Wally? Really?  Oh now I can talk to him even more❤️. And that description just felt right. I absolutely am treasuring this.  Beyond treasured. Have a good day dear Ashley!”

Me: “Yes...you can absolutely speak to him by name. I can see the two of you clearly. I wish I could show you a picture of what I see. He wore a hat like this (I sent a photo). He looks nothing like the man in the photo - but he had a brown hat like this. I'm shown him wearing a brown overcoat - looks warm - & tall rain boots with his pants tucked inside. It’s foggy.”

The next day…

Me: “I'm having some odd experiences since mentioning Wally. I'll message you later with some info. This is kinda neat.”

Rebecca: “Really?!?  Ohhhhh I can't wait to hear!”

Me: “I'm having a hard time focusing on my work so I'm just going to say it now. I was woken at 4am by a man's hand shaking my arm. I thought it was my husband - shaking me awake for some reason - but it wasn't. I had the name of an area going through my head...sounded something like Lancashire or similar. I was very tired & groggy & wasn't sure that I'd heard it right - but I knew it connected to Scotland, you & Wally. I do believe it was Wally who woke me. I typed Lancashire Scotland into a Google search & found an area called Lanarkshire. I took a screenshot so I wouldn't forget & could make a note of the time. I'll send you the photo. I then had a vision of a very old graveyard - lots of vines covering the tombstones. It didn't look like the graveyard had been maintained at all but I'm guessing that Wally wants you to know what part of Scotland you lived in & most likely where you were laid to rest. I told Wally that I would pass the information along to you, but that I needed to sleep & the activity stopped.” I sent the photo. “Do you have ties to Lanarkshire in this lifetime? I know nothing about Scotland & find this all quite fascinating. I intended to text you about this later tonight. But as I'm working on another Past Life Report, I'm smelling some kind of men's cologne. I've never smelled anything quite like it before, but I knew it was Wally. And I know he's trying to get me to send you the messages...so here they are. Now I'm asking him to let me work. I'm quite intrigued by his presence & his obvious want for you to know about him & your life together. No need to respond if you're busy. You can text me later. I need to get back to work. I hope you find all of this as interesting as I do & I hope that Wally is happy that I've passed the messages along. Blessings. PS I just realized there are flocks of sheep in that photo. I remember mentioning seeing flocks of sheep. How interesting.”

Rebecca: “ Ohhhhh.  That just made me cry. It's the most amazing feeling I've had since I got the report and you told me his name. I have been talking to him so much. I told him that I wished we could have lived  this life out together since that one was short.  So he's letting me know that he's here and close. ❤️ We must have had a strong strong love. I don't know if I have ties to the area of Lanarkshire but now I need to find out! I am so intrigued by all of this.   Not sure how to describe it but It feels like a part of me has somehow come back.  Thank you for this.  Beyond thank you.”

Me: “I agree...this is a very special connection. I'm very intrigued by all of it. Please let me know what unfolds with your ties to Scotland & I’ll let you know if anything more happens on my end. Have an amazing weekend.”

That is where this story ends…for now. Wally has left me alone since & I haven’t heard back from Rebecca regarding Lanarkshire, Scotland, & any possible connections. I will update this story if anything more happens to unfold at a later date.

Do you believe that our loved ones come back? Do you believe in a love so deep it can transcend mutiple centruies & lifetimes? Leave a comment below.


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