Happy Birthday, Jane

Image captured on camera (cell phone): Light anomaly of a playful spirit child taken in the fall of 2021. Photo was taken by me in the basement of my home located in Central Saskatchewan, Canada.

In September of 2021, a woman contacted me for a tarot card reading. For the purpose of this post & to keep her identity private, I will call her Jane. Jane asked me at the time of booking if I ever get messages from spirit for my clients & I told her that sometimes I do...& sometimes I don't. She told me that she was gifting the reading to herself for her birthday & that she was hoping that a loved one might come through. I asked her not to share any information or details about her loved ones on the other side with me & I told her that I would let her know if I hear from anyone.

Up to the point of her reading, nothing happened. I had no anomaly/paranormal visitors, intricate scrying messages or lucid dreams - which is usually how spirit connect with me. We did Janes reading & at the end of it I told her that I would be in touch if anyone paid me a visit over the next few days. Jane told me that she would ask her loved ones on the other side to contact me & we ended our conversation there.

About a week later, I had a ghostly visit from a little boy. He was very young - maybe 2 or 3 years old. He was smiling & giggling & playful. He was one of the happiest spirits I've ever encountered & I was thrilled to get such a great photo of him. He presented himself to me as a small light that hovered mid-air several feet away from the end of my bed. He is not fully manifested, but there was enough of him there for me to see him clearly. This playful soul was full of joy. He was smiling with one little hand curled up on his cheek near his mouth. He seemed very interested in my dog - as I suspect most children would be.

At the time that this happened, I wondered if the little boy was connected to Jane...but I was also leaving the next morning to teach my tea leaf reading class in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - so I thought he might connect with a student in one of my classes. I held off on messaging Jane until after I had spoken to my students & returned from my trip.

At the start of teaching my tea leaf reading class in Prince Albert, I mentioned the little boy to my students, but nobody made a connection. After I returned home, I contacted Jane. I sent her a text message on Sunday, October 3rd 2021 & mentioned the visitor. I told her that I had a little boy who looked to be about 2-3 years of age who had paid me a visit. He also had a number 3 attached to him. I asked her if he was connected to her. I told her that I was turning in for the night & that I would check my phone for messages the next morning. Then I went to bed.

When I got into bed that night, I had another visitor. The apparition that appeared this time was an older male with a wide, square -shaped face & a thick moustache. He looked to be around 60 years of age. He had what appeared to be a child with him - possibly sitting on his lap. I then heard footsteps in the family room outside of the bedroom I was in. They sounded like feet shuffling/dragging on the ground. My dog heard it too and sat up with his ears pointing to the ceiling. That was a hair-raising moment for me - I'm not going to lie.

Just as that happened, Jane sent me a text & said yes...children on the other side made sense to her...as did the number 3.

I was still awake & thought that Jane & I should talk if she was up to it, so I opened my phone to send her a text message & when I did, I found a message already typed into my phone waiting to be sent to her. It said, "I see that I missed your birthday this weekend." My jaw just about hit the floor...as I didn't type that message & Jane's birthday was a week earlier on the Saturday. It was a surreal moment. I was stunned. It took me a moment to collect myself. I sent the message to Jane. I also told her that I had someone else with me from the other side whom I believed was connected to her. I asked if I could call. She texted me back & said, "Yes."

I called Jane & explained what I was seeing & hearing. I told her about the older male - that he looked to be around 60 years of age & I described his appearance. I told her that he is with the children & that he has a father or grandfather feel to him.

Jane told me that she had lost multiple children over the years - a heartbreak I can only imagine. She also told me that her ex...who had fathered children with her...was on the other side. He passed away very suddenly & unexpectedly a couple of years earlier at the age of 57. She told me that the third child she lost - the little boy who had paid me a visit - belonged to him. My heart absolutely broke for her - we were both in tears - but we also felt oddly comforted to know that her ex & her children were together on the other side. We were also comforted in knowing that they were making an appearance. Jane then said that missing/forgetting her birthday was something her ex would have done in life. “He wasn’t good at remembering things like my birthday,” she said & we both had a laugh. I sent her the photos of the anomalies - along with some quick outlines so she could see what I saw.

Jane confirmed that the older man was her ex. She then sent me a photo of him - and sure enough - he had the wide, square-shaped face, thick moustache & was close to 60 years in age when he passed. I told her that I believed the text message was from him & that he wanted her to know that he was acknowledging her birthday from the other side. As soon as those words left my mouth, I was embraced with a big hug from an unseen source. It wasn't a soft hug or a child's hug. It felt like an adult's arms were around me & gave me a tight squeeze. I became emotional, because I knew that the hug was Jane's ex's way of thanking me for passing that message along. Jane was emotional too. That's when all of the activity in my home stopped. There were no more light anomalies, no more footsteps in the next room, no more hugs. Jane had received her message & spirit was pleased.


Grave 223