Grave 223

Remember the Titanic Facebook LIVE that my daughter, Natalie, & I did at Fairview Lawn Cemetary in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on January 6 of this year? Remember the Crew Member who drew me to his resting place at the end of that Facebook LIVE - grave 223? That conversation was cut short due to a large crowd of people who arrived unexpectedly & wanted to walk through the gravesite. Because that happened, we were forced to shut our recording down - which was very disappointing. Natalie was able to confirm the next day through Nova Scotia archives that the body laid to rest in grave 223 was in fact a male Crew Member who was pulled from the Atlantic wearing a Stewards Uniform...details that gave everyone in the room chills. Note that the recording is still up on my Facebook page for anyone who would like to watch it - scroll back to January 6 & 7 2023 posts.

I didn't forget about that soul who had reached out to me from grave 223. It bothered me that he wasn't able to share more of his story. I wondered what he had wanted to say? After I returned home from that trip, I decided to reach out to him. I thought some of you might have also been curious about him & would like to know what happened. This is only a small portion of that story. More will be shared on April 12, 2023 - the annivery of the sinking of the Titanic. But for now, I thought this would make for an interesting Sunday read.

I used cartomancy late one night - after returning from my trip - to make contact with the male Titanic Crew Member who had grabbed my attention during the Facebook LIVE. I learned a lot of information about him through the cards. But once I had established a connection to him, he began sharing additional information with me through images - it was like being shown a series of photographs of who he was in life, what happened on the night the Titanic sank, why he had wanted to speak to me, & how I could help.

I learned that his first name was John. He was a young male - likely in his 20's. He had short light brown/dirty blonde hair. He was very neat in appearance - as I suspect all crew members were. John was a Steward aboard the Titanic. It was his job to assist passengers, answer questions, & instill order upon the ship.

John told me that he'd known before I did that I would be coming to Fairview Lawn Cemetery that day. He was aware that he would have the opportunity to speak with me & he'd been waiting for my arrival for quite some time. He told me that many people have gone to Fairview Lawn Cemetery hoping to connect with the dead...but for some reason, John had waited for me. My daughter, Natalie, & I had only decided to go & do the Facebook LIVE on January 4th or 5th of this year (2023)...& it never occured to either of us that spirits would be aware of events like this in advance. John definitely had my attention.

John & I had several conversations in a very short amount of time - mostly through cartomancy, visions & dreams. I learned of what he needed from me & I agreed to help. It was an unlikely friendship that developed between us...much like a mother/son bond.

When I spoke to my daughter, Natalie, about this recently she said, "He knew you were coming before we did? He'd been waiting for you? Can you imagine waiting 111 years to speak to someone...& then have that conversation cut short?" I can only imagine the frustration.

More has happened since, but that is where I will end this story for now. This is just a taste of what unfolded. Be sure to come back for more updates on my connection with John. This story will conclude in April.


Alexa, tell me a ghost story


Happy Birthday, Jane