A Night To Remember

This True Ghost Story is a continuation of the story “Grave 223” which was posted on February 12, 2023

Recap: I am a psychic medium. My daughter & I did a Facebook LIVE at Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on January 6, 2023 in the hopes of connecting with passengers & crew of the Titanic. That LIVE is still on my Facebook page for anyone who'd like to view it. Towards the end of our visit, I was drawn to Grave 223. Numbered Graves were given to passengers & crew members of the Titanic whose bodies were pulled from the Atlantic but never identified. It felt like I was being pulled towards Grave 223 forcefully…like a magnet had a hold of me. The spirit attached to Grave 223 told me during the LIVE that he was a male crew member. That conversation was then cut short due to a large crowd of people who wanted to walk through the area. The following day, it was confirmed through Nova Scotia archives that Grave 223 did belong to a male crew member who was pulled from the Atlantic Ocean wearing a steward’s uniform. 

It bothered me that this man wasn't able to finish telling his story. I wondered what he had wanted to say. So after returning from my trip, I reached out to him. I learned that his first name was John. He was a young male - likely in his mid-twenties. John told me that he had known for a very long time that I would be coming to Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax - long before I'd ever made the decision to go - & that he'd been patiently awaiting my arrival...

With today being the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic (April 14, 1912), I wanted to post the last installment of this story in memory of John & all of the other crew & passengers - both young & old - who lost their lives that fateful night. May they never be forgotten. May they rest in peace.

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John showed me visions of what happened on the night the Titanic sank. He was woken in the night & told to get dressed. It was explained to him that there was a mechanical problem below deck & that passengers were being loaded onto lifeboats as a precaution. He was told that those passengers would return to the ship once the situation was under control. It never occurred to John that the ship would sink or that anyone was in serious danger. John was instructed to keep third class passengers calm - & behind locked doors - until the first & second class passengers had been safely removed from the ship. He was told that someone would be back to relieve him of his duties once the problem was resolved & the passengers could return to their rooms.

John took his job seriously. He kept the third class passengers behind locked gates - as he was instructed to do - against their will & despite their constant pleas for help. 

As time passed & water began to flood the stairwell, John realized that no one was coming back to relieve him of his duties. The ship was going to sink & everyone was about to die. Panic set it. Instead of unlocking the gates & giving the third class passengers a chance...John ran. He justified his actions as best he could. John knew that unlocking the gates would be a risk. It would cause a stampede. He also knew that he stood a very good chance of being physically assaulted by angry passengers if he freed them. Lastly, John realized that too many people scrambling to reach lifeboats at the same time - many women & children - would lessen his chances of securing a seat for himself. Every one of those terrified third class passengers was left to drown…including entire families with small children. John soon regretted his decision…but once he had started to run, there was no turning back.

John said it was complete mayhem when he arrived on deck. He tried to get to a life raft to save himself, but the crowds made it impossible for him to reach one. He jumped from the side of the ship in the hopes of reaching one of the lifeboats that had already launched…but they were too far away & he froze in the Atlantic Ocean a short time later. John died before the Titanic slipped beneath the surface of the water that night. All of the third class passengers he had left behind perished as well.

John told me that he was afraid to go to the light when it appeared because he thought he would be judged. He was afraid of facing the angry mob of third class passengers who had died because of his choices. He was afraid of going to Hell. Because of that, John chose to become an Earthbound spirit. He watched his family members live out their lives…until they too passed away & left our realm. He didn’t cross into the light when they did becasue he was afraid of what awaited him on the other side of the light.

John told me that he missed his family very much. He was in pain being trapped in our realm. He wanted to see his siblings & his parents again. He wanted to see his cousins & aunts & uncles. But, John was afraid of what might happen to him if he crossed over…so he stayed behind & he waited for me.

John asked me if I would help him to cross over safely…to get him to where he needed to go without being attacked or sent somewhere dark. He asked me to help him find his family. I told him I would. 

For the next while, John stayed by my side in my home in Central Saskatchewan, Canada. We had some meaningful conversations. I met with him in my dreams & we talked & he showed me things. I communicated with him through cartomancy. John didn’t like this world…& what it had become. He was more than ready to leave it behind. John was miserable in his existance here & he wanted desperately to be reunited with his loved ones again. I felt obligated to help.

Shortly before John crossed over, we sat up late one night & watched the movie Titanic together. It was just him, me, my dog, & my cat. My daughter texted me that evening to ask what I was doing. I told her that I was watching Titanic with John. It took a few minutes for her to realize who I was talking about. Then she put the movie on in her living room & joined us through distance. Watching the Titanic with John was more emotional than I expected it to be. The mood was very somber. It is hard for me to describe…but I can tell you that it was heartbreaking & beautiful at the same time.

I grew to genuinely care for John. He wasn't like most young men that I encounter in today's world. John was different...elevated. John wasn't a bad person in life. He was actually a very good person who made a terrible choice after being put in an impossible position. John has had to live with the consequences of his actions ever since. He tortured himself daily. That split-second decision he made has followed him everywhere since. I felt it was time for John to forgive himself & move on. I knew that he would be okay once he left this world.

When the timing was right, I opened a doorway to the other side. Johns family came to greet him. It was a beautiful moment. I wished John well & watched him cross from our realm into the next.

I'm going to miss, John, & his friendship. My door is always open if he would like to visit. I’m wishing him eternal happiness on the other side…& I will see him there myself one day...

Do you feel drawn towards all things Titanic? Do you have ancestral connections that tie to that fateful night? Do you think that John got off too easy? Feel free to leave a comment below.


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