A Horse named thunder

I have been given permission to share this story. Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

In September of 2022, I was hired by a woman named Chris to do a Fire Scrying Reading. She wanted to receive messages from her angels & guides. I agreed to do the work & carried out the ceremony a short time later.

Chris’ Fire Scrying Reading was fascinating - they always are. It revealed many things. The most prominent image that appeared in my cauldron that day was a horse who I instantly knew was her main spirit guide. The horse was attached to a man - a middle-aged to older man - whom I strongly felt was a relative. I wondered in that moment if the horse was an actual horse that Chris had known in life? I wondered if a male relative on the other side - possibly a father or grandfather - had owned a horse? I mentioned these things to Chris in her Reading. I also told her that if she didn’t know who the man with the horse was, she was likely too young to remember.

Beyond the horse & the male, I was shown symbols that related to the other side, communication between the human & spirit realms, & offers of assistance. Her guides were definitely with her. There was also a letter J mixed in with those symbols. I asked Chris if she had an older male relative on the other side with a first or last initial of J? I asked her if he owned a horse?

Up next came an image of a house with a little girl next to it. Her hair was in a ponytail. She looked very small. I knew from previous conversations, that Chris had young children of her own…but I didn’t feel like the little girl in my cauldron was one of them. I knew intuitively that the little girl in the flames of the Fire Scrying Reading was Chris, herself, as a child. The house that appeared was a literal house - not symbolic - & I felt it connected to the older male relative on the other side. Perhaps Chris had gone to visit him at his home before he passed? She likely met the horse at that time. I explained all of this to Chris. Again, I mentioned that she was likely a very young girl when she knew the horse…& that the man connected to the horse had likely passed when she was a child as well.

There were several more symbols that came up in her Reading, but then the horse showed up again. This time it was in the embers of my cauldron…along with a letter T. I asked Chris if she knew a horse with a T name? Her Reading ended shortly thereafter.

A few days after receiving her Reading, Chris wrote me back. She couldn’t think of any relatives or horses that she might have known as a child. She reached out to some family members to see if anyone could lend insight.

Chris’ mother got back to her a short time later. She told Chris that when she was very little, she had visited a Great Uncle named Jack. He owned & raised Arabian horses in Alberta, Canada. Every hair stood up on my body when I read that message. I knew that they had found the right person. I also knew in that moment that the horses name was Thunderbolt…but Jack had called him Thunder for short.

I wrote Chris back & told her to speak to Thunderbolt directly…to call upon him when she needed support. I told her to thank him for choosing to be with her for the purpose of guidance, enlightenment, & protection. For whatever reason - Thunder had chosen her - & that was an incredible honour.

Years ago, I was told by my spirit guide, George, that our guides - both human & animal - make a choice to be with us. They can play different roles in our lives. Some are with us for very short periods of time…to help us through specific situations…while others are with us longer term. Being chosen by spirit for the purpose of guidance is an act of love & we are blessed to have them with us. I appreciate my guides & I know that Chris appreciates hers too. May Chris’ Great Uncle Jack & Thunder both be at peace on the other side.

I hope you enjoyed this True Ghost Story.

Fire Scrying Readings fascinate me. No two Readings have ever been the same. You can learn more about my Fire Scrying Readings in the Services section of my website.

Happy Easter & Happy Sunday my friends.

Do you believe in spirit animals & spirit guides? Feel free to leave a comment below.


A Night To Remember


The Woman In White - part 111