The Answer is in her Blood

I began dabbling in spirit channelling in the spring of 1999 and I worked on developing those skills for many years. I started successfully channelling dearly departed loved ones through Automatic Writing in 2014. Here is a true ghost story that connects to one of my early Automatic Writing sessions. I love a happy ending and hope you do too. Have a wonderful day my friends.

One evening in 2014, my daughter and I conducted an Automatic Writing Session where I successfully made contact with my dearly departed father who had passed away two years earlier. I honestly don't have a lot of memory of that session. I was in a trance. I remember placing my pen on the paper - feeling the intense energy of my father - & then I remember coming out of the ceremony. But the middle of all of that is a little fuzzy. My daughter, on the other hand, remembers that evening vividly. She claims that I changed. I wasn't myself. I spoke to her in a different if I was a different person...and I knew when she described it that my father had used me as a conduit to get messages through to his granddaughter. 

On my paper - at the end of our Automatic Writing session - was the name of an extended family member with what appeared to be an important message scribbled beside it. The message said that she needed to see her doctor & that the answer was in her blood. We had no idea what to make of that message at the time. We knew who the family member was. We knew that she was dealing with a serious medical condition known as Hepatitis C. She had been diagnosed with it two decades earlier - so it was nothing new to us. But, at the time, Hepatitis C was incurable & we fully expected it to take her life at some point. The average life expectancy of a person infected with Hepatitis C at that time was 20 years if they lived a healthy lifestyle. Our relative was at the end of her 20 years. Her time was up. We didn't want to lose her. So the message was deemed to be of high importance. 

I read what was written on the paper and I looked at my daughter.

"The answer is in her blood? What could that possibly mean?"

My daughter didn't know.

We contacted our extended family member and passed the information along to her. She didn't know what to make of that message at the time either...but the message stayed with her and she pondered the possibility of one day being cured. She saw her doctor a short time later and asked if there was anything else they could try to resolve her medical situation. "Yes," he said, "there actually is. It's in the trial stages at this point, but - if we run some tests and you are a good candidate - we might be able to get you onto a new treatment program." This was music to her ears!

Our family member was game to try anything. She knew that her days were numbered. Tests were run. Her results proved that she was a good candidate and her doctor got her started on the new treatment program. It was an experiment, but we were hopeful.

Hepatitis C is a virus. It is a blood condition that attacks liver function. The treatment program offered to our relative was a year long process and would make life a challenge. She would feel sick. She would be fatigued. She would spend a lot of that year in bed. But - all side effects aside - the pros far outweighed the cons…and she knew that she needed to try. 

Our relative was placed onto an antiviral medication that 'washed' or 'cleansed' her blood of the Hepatitis C virus. Overall success rates were high - 95% of people who went through the treatment program were fully cured by the end of it. The odds were good; our fingers were crossed. 

After a year of treatment, our relative successfully tested negative for Hepatitis C. She has been able to resume and live a normal life since. The answer really was in her blood and we are all still a little bewildered by that.

It is believed that the message that came through from my father in 2014 played a roll in that relatives survival. As a family, we are eternally grateful for that message being recieved. 

Thank you, Dad. Rest in peace. I will see you again one day on the other side.

*Note that I am teaching my Automatic Writing Class in Star, Alberta (approx 50 min North East of Edmonton, AB) on Saturday April 1, 2023, from 9:30am-12:30pm. I will also be teaching this class in Regina, Saskatchewan, on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 2:30-5:30pm. Go to the Events & Classes Page on this website for more information or to reserve your seat.


The Woman In White - part 11


The Woman In White - part 1