Crossing Over

Here’s another true ghost story that I’d like to share. This one happened just a few weeks ago on a rural property outside of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The homeowners have given me permission to share this. Names have been changed.

In November of 2021, I heard from a woman named Sue who was wanting to help her neighbors…Eric & Nicholas…a fun couple who were dealing with an unwanted spirit in their home. Eric & Nicholas had recently purchased the parcel of land which had an existing home on it. They fell in love with the land, the home & the area. They quickly made an offer & moved in a short time later.

Eric & Nicholas are very social people & their presence breathed new life back into the aging structure. They hosted many gatherings & game nights. They enjoyed laughing & entertaining & having fun. The first party planned after they took possession of the property was a house warming party…& that was when Gerry made his first appearance.

The property that Eric & Nicholas had bought had once belonged to a man named Gerry. Gerry had purchased it in the 1960’s. He married a woman named Deborah & together they raised several children. Many years later, at the turn of the century, Gerry died in the master bedroom of that house. Deborah moved away after her husband passed & eventually the property was sold to Nicholas & Eric.

On the night of the house warming party, Gerry appeared in front of Eric as a full bodied apparition standing in the hall. Eric was making his way to the washroom, when Gerry suddenly appeared outside of the bedroom that he had died in. He stood in Eric’s way. Eric had no idea who Gerry was at the time. Nobody had mentioned that someone had died in the house. After returning to the party, Eric said that he felt like someone had died in the house…Sue confirmed…& that was when Eric & Nicholas were introduced to Gerry.

Gerry - in life - enjoyed parties. He liked gatherings - birthday parties in particular - & he was very attached to his former home. After his first appearance - on the night of the house warming - he was seen & felt on a regular basis. Gerry would cut Eric off in the hallway repeatedly…whenever Eric would try to leave or enter the bedroom where Gerry had died. Gerry was seen on several occasions sitting near the kitchen window - a spot he frequented in life. Gerry wasn’t a big problem…but he wasn’t an overly friendly spirit either. His energy was prickly…much like the energy of a grumpy old man. Eric had his shirt collar yanked on several times. One of their two cats became nervous…standing guard at Eric & Nicholas’ bedroom door each night. Things became uncomfortable.

Eric & Nicholas wanted their privacy & rightfully so. They didn’t want to share their home with an elderly man. It was awkward having Gerry in the house. He didn’t seem to want to leave & they didn’t know what to do about it.

Sue reached out to me for one of my witch bottles - to help clear the negative energy from the home. My witch bottles had helped numerous people with all sorts of paranormal issues…but I wasn’t convinced it would help in this particular situation. Gerry wasn’t malevolent. He was a problem of sorts - but he wasn’t causing any serious harm. Gerry was a nuisance more than anything else.

I explained to Sue that my witch bottles won’t chase away the good guys - angels, guides, loved ones, previous home owners, etc. Only spirits/energy of negative intent - intending to inflict harm - would be drawn in & trapped in my witch bottles. Sue decided to buy one of my witch bottles anyway. It was an experiment to see what might happen. I wished them all well & told her to keep in touch.

Fast forward 14 months to February 2023. I received another message from Sue.

Sue explained that the witch bottle she had purchased for her neighbours in 2021 had seemed to agitate Gerry. I wasn’t overly surprised as Gerry was likely insulted by the idea of being chased away from his former home. Sue said that Eric finally reached his breaking point one night & sternly told Gerry that he was not welcome in their home. All encounters stopped at that point - which was great - but it didn’t last.

With the recent passing of his wife, Deborah, Gerry returned to the property. Sue wanted to know if I had anything else they could try to get rid of him.

The story made more sense now. Gerry had been waiting for his wife, Deborah, to pass. It was the reason he’d been hanging around. But now that Deborah & Gerry had been reunited - & their presence in the old home was no longer appropriate - it was time for them to move on. I knew intuitively that Gerry & Deborah needed a little help crossing over…but I also felt that there was more to the story…so I sat down & connected with Gerry to see what I could find out.

Gerry was an ornery old man. There’s really no other way to describe him. He came from an older generation of people who were often closed-minded to things like same sex marriages. We had a long conversation about it. Gerry told me that he liked Eric & Nicholas as individuals. He enjoyed their parties & game nights…especially the birthday parties. He liked that they liked to have people over. He liked that they liked to have fun. But he couldn’t get passed the idea of them sharing a bedroom…to which I replied, it was none of his business. I reminded Gerry - as gently as I could - that the home no longer belonged to him…it was Eric & Nicholas’ house now…& that his presence was no longer appropriate. He needed to let the house go & let Eric & Nicholas live their life in peace. Gerry reluctantly agreed.

I knew during our conversations that I needed to handle Gerry delicately. I wanted him to go to the light willingly instead of having a fight on my hands. I also knew that Deborah wouldn’t be a problem. She had a very passive personality & would do whatever her husband wanted her to do.

I asked Gerry if he would go willingly if Eric & Nicholas directed him to the light & I got a no. I asked him if he would go willingly if I got involved & I got a yes…which I felt was ridiculous, but I was willing to work with it. Gerry made it clear to me that the crossing over needed to happen on a very specific day…no other day was going to work. I didn’t think too much about that detail at the time. The date worked for me…so I got in touch with Sue & offered to go to the property to help. Sue got back to me quickly. She told me that the day I mentioned was Erics birthday & they were planning a big celebration that afternoon. Everything made sense.

As I mentioned earlier, Gerry loved birthdays. I learned - after asking him a few more questions - that Gerry would be feeling softer on the day of Erics birthday & would be willing to cross into the light to give Eric & Nicholas their home…as a birthday gift…a peace offering so-to-speak. I thought that was lovely & I let Sue know.

Arrangements were made & I paid a visit to Eric at his home on the morning of his birthday. Nicholas had left the property to buy supplies for the party they were having later in the day - so it was just Eric & I at the house with a number of cats. The cats seemed happy to meet me - including one whom Eric claimed was never social with anyone. He thought it was very odd…yet a good omen…that the cat had taken a shine to me. To me, all of the animals seemed happy & affectionate.

Eric & I sat across from one another & helped Gerry & Deborah cross into the light. The energy was intense when we first started…but seemed to relax as the couple moved from our realm into the next. At the end of our rite, Eric claimed to feel much lighter. I could feel a noticable difference in the energy too. The cats were also purring & affectionate.

I stayed in touch with Eric in the following weeks to see how the energy felt in his home. His birthday party had been a smashing success. Everyone had wonderful time. There were no unexpected visits from Gerry. Since then, the energy in the house has remained calm. Everything is blissfully quiet & normal; even the cats have mellowed.

I love a happy ending. Wishing Eric & Nicholas decades of joy, celebrations & fun in their home. May there be many reasons to celebrate! Wishing Gerry & Deborah all the best on the next leg of their existence. May they find joy, peace & love on the other side.

UPDATE: March 29 2024…one year later...

Text message from Eric: “Hey. This is Eric and Nicholas. Just reaching out to say hello. Hope all is well. Things are great here. Doing some renos and don’t feel on edge about it. Happy Easter to you and your family.”

This message made my day…as this story was long forgotten in the corner of my mind. Thank you to Eric for reaching out and providing an update. I appreciate it. It’s nice to hear that you are enjoying your home and are living your best life. I’m also happy for Gerry & Deborah…to know that they have truly moved on to the next realm of existence. Wishing all of them happiness on the road ahead.

Do you or someone you know live in a haunted house? Have you ever witnessed a paranormal event? Feel free to leave a comment below.


The Woman In White - part 111


The Woman In White - part 11