Made by a Real Witch


Best Sellers

Ritual Candles

Our award winning beeswax Ritual Candles are handcrafted. Each is anointed, cleansed, & spell cast with specific intent.

Witch Bottles

Our Witch Bottles have a solid reputation for clearing away negative & residual paranormal-type energy/entities from houses.

Mirror Protection Necklace

Our Mirror Protection Necklaces are spell cast to deflect negative energy away from the person who wears it.

Explore popular services

Tarot Card Readings

With almost 30 years experience – and thousands of readings under my belt – I tap into my psychic senses using tarot to deliver the messages, guidance, and advice that will benefit you most.

Spell Casting

Every Made By A Real Witch distance spell casting rite includes a thoughtfully constructed, high magick spell – uniquely written and executed by myself on behalf of the client.

Distance Energy Healing Treatments

Distance Energy Healing is a gentle, half hour therapeutic practice which promotes stress reduction, relaxation and overall wellbeing. Energy Healing can be sent by me to anyone or any animal in any part of the world.

Meet the Witch

How It Began

Many years ago, I mailed a letter to a man in a different country whom I had never met. I had received psychic messages for him in my dreams & felt compelled to pass those messages along. It was out of character for me to contact a total stranger with such personal & private matters. I was definitely out of my comfort zone…& yet I wrote the letter, sealed it in an envelope, drove to the post office & sent it off.

As my fingers let go of the envelope & I watched the letter fall into the mailbox, I heard a voice over my shoulder say, “Hello Ashley. My name is George. I am the father of…” He then named the stranger whom I had just sent the letter to. When I turned around to see who was behind me, there was nobody there. Puzzled, I went home & searched online for the name of the man who had spoken to me…& it only took a few moments for me to find his obituary. His name was in fact George & he had passed away several years earlier. Stunned, I sat & stared at my computer screen for a really long time.

George has been with me ever since. At first, I couldn’t get rid of him. He would wake me & annoy me with all sorts of requests…letters he wanted me to write, people he wanted me to contact, jobs he had for me to do. He completely took over my life…communicating with me in my dreams nightly…often speaking in riddles & bible verses which took an enormous amount of time for me to figure out on my own.

Over time, we grew very close. George elected himself to be my honorary parent as he didn’t care for the role models that I’d had growing up. And I came to see George as my Spirit Guide…instead of just the spirit of a kind, elderly man who’d decided to reach out to me. It was shortly after that, that George began to insist that I start a business.

“A business?” I exclaimed. “But I don’t know the first thing about business…let alone running one. I wouldn’t know what to do or where to start.”

“You are a White Witch,” George explained, “an Altruist. You need to embrace it, Ashley. It’s who you are. It’s the reason you were born.” After researching the terms White Witch & Altruist - which I was completely unfamiliar with - & learning that they define people who dedicate their lives to the sole purpose of helping others - things started becoming clear & making sense. Still, I didn’t fully understand what it was that I was supposed to be doing…or what type of business George was expecting me to start.

“What is it that you like to do?” George asked me a short while later. I thought for a moment…& then I told George that I liked making candles…ritual candles in particular. I’d been making them for myself, friends & family members for years. I was good at it. They worked. “Well, why don’t you start there & see where it goes?” George said, with a smile on his face that told me that he was pleased. George then helped me to shape & mold my product line. He put me in the path of store owners who could help me get started. He put me in the path of people I could help. The rest is history.

~ Ashley Wong )O( Made by a Real Witch™
